Saturday, June 24, 2006

Snow cones

Susan went to "school" again this week. They made and ate snow cones. The teachers said she loved it. What I know is that she came home covered with blue juice and a snow cone made of a styrofoam ball colored yellow, a paper cone, and a straw. She cries when I leave her, but is happy soon. This is Rachel Johnson's daughter Jillian with Susan the day they had snow cones. JJ had pink and Susan had blue. Susan and Jillian

Last night Michelle (Taiwan student) and GianCarlo (boyfriend from Peru) came to eat hamburgers. Susan was slow to get acquainted, but then was happy to talk and play with them, especially Michelle. Michelle is a first grade teacher here working on a Master's in Education. GC is working on an MBA in finance. Michelle got in on the bath and toothbrushing. She thinks Susan is very smart and mature for her age. Susan hadn't taken much of a nap, so she went to sleep about 9.

When we went to Tammy's this week to sew on Wednesday, Susan found a pet she loved. I don't know if she ever touched Harry Rabbit, but she fed him some carrots and watched him closely. We will have to go back by sometime so she can see Harry again.

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