Monday, September 04, 2006

Packing boxes

We packed Susan's boxes and mailed them Friday. I mailed the clothes she can still wear (maybe not by the time she gets them), books from the library sale, some toys people have given her, the bottles she was using when she came, her cowgirl boots, her CDs and DVDs. It cost about $40 for each of the three boxes. It seemed easier to mail the stuff than try to carry it. It takes some time in the post office to fill out the paperwork. You have to know the contents, addresses, value, etc.

We were probably a sight going into the post office. I decided to let Susan walk and put the boxes plus one to Arlene and an envelope for Marylyn in the stroller for the trip in. They wouldn't all fit, so I had to carry one and let her push the stroller with a little help. Luckily some people came along and helped us.

Michele (Taiwan student) and Gian Carlo (Peruvian student) came for dinner last night. Michele is a teacher working on her master's here. Susan and Michele had lots of fun together exercising and coloring.

I have just discovered how much Susan likes soup. I guess I had just given her the wrong kinds before. It has been cold and rainy, so I made a rice, ham, and veggie soup for lunch. Then when we got to Los Insurgentes for dinner, Lluvia gave her soup made of chicken broth, rice, and chicken. She loved it!

Susan and Granpa like to play "soccer" with a soft green ball about 6" across. They throw and kick it. You should hear Susan say "I dot(got) it"and "Susan det it". They always play by the front door; there are fewer breakables there. One day last week she and I were outside working in the yard. She had the ball, and it kept rolling down the neighbors' drive to the street. I didn't get much done in the flowerbeds for chasing the ball. She had to have her feet on the grass while I was in the street. If she didn't stay there, I kept the ball a couple of minutes to remind her.

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