Friday, April 28, 2006

Still getting ready

I have spent a lot of today cleaning house. I was so busy I didn't use the computer or look at the answering machine. Silvia called to say that they can't leave today; it will be a couple of weeks before they can come. I will have a little more time to get ready.

I changed Garrett's plane reservation. It is now an open-ended ticket. He will have more time when they arrive because classes will be over.

I found a couple of chairs at garage sales: a pink lawn chair and a high chair. Both will need a lot of scrubbing, but were a good deal. This is the bed we borrowed from the Hansens. I will get a foam pad for a matress.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Getting ready

Susan is coming in 11 days. There is a lot to do to get ready. The Hansens have loaned us a play yard as a bed. I hope she will like it because it is different from her bed at home. The McDonalds are lending us a car seat and booster chair. Virginia Cotton offered a stroller and said we should check out the Baby Einstein CDs at the library. I asked at the Pregnancy Center about a bed too.

I got a green plastic basket for her toys and books. I need to go up in the attic and see what is there of Carl's toys. There should be some of his old favorites. We will go to the library book sale on Saturday and get some children's books.

We are really excited about having her with us for the summer. It is truly the best way for her to learn English as well as Chinese. Besides, we love her.

Green basket with some toys--Carl's Sesame Street, Melissa Shelly's doll bed and doll, books from sale